Bird Walk with the Trail Conservancy

7:30 AM – 10:00 AM

This field trip is free for everyone, but registration is required.

Join Chris Gunter, Rachel Zierzow, and TTC staff, Jonatan Salinas, to find birds and observe their behavior on the new section of the Butler Trail, the Holly Trailhead, historically part of the decommissioned Holly Power Plant at Festival Beach. Recently planted native trees, shrubs, wildflowers, and natural spring water dominate the landscape and provide excellent habitats for many different species of birds. As TTC restores this new section of the trail, we will see a change of birds, so you’ll want to come on this monthly walk.

This bird walk is ideal for beginners, but all levels are welcome. We have binoculars to lend to anyone that doesn’t have a pair. Our walk will total 1-2 miles in about 3 hours, making our way through the Holly Trail and adjacent to Lady Bird Lake to listen to and look for resident birds, migrants, and flyovers. The terrain is mostly flat (dissolved gravel trail and sidewalks) and there is ADA accessibility at the Holly Trail Overlook.  In winter, we will take a stop at the Holly Trail overlook section of the trail a bit to watch the waterfowl.

Registration is required and is limited to 10 participants. A reminder email will be sent with pertinent details before the field trip. For questions, contact Rachel at


Email Notice: The email used to register for this walk will be used to communicate any changes or cancellations due to weather or other factors. Please ALWAYS check your email inbox on the morning of the walk, prior to leaving your home, in case of last-minute changes in the trip plan. Please also check to be sure our emails do not land in your spam folder. When in doubt, please call or email your trip leader. We encourage participants to put the leader’s email address in their safe sender list. Their contact information is included in this trip description.