Saturday, April 27, 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM
$50 per person, max. 12 people
Join Chris Gunter for a special opportunity to visit a private ranch under exceptional conservation stewardship.
At the nearly 1000 acre Spicewood Ranch, we will explore a diversity of habitats along Alligator Creek and the Colorado River. A large portion of the ranch is under conservation easement, and the owner is actively restoring native grassland and other habitats on the ranch. We will bird until approximately 11:30 AM and then enjoy lunch on the ranch together (please bring a packed lunch).
Restrooms will be available on the ranch, though most of the time we will be in the field and away from these amenities. Higher clearance vehicles are recommended as the ranch roads are bumpy, but we will condense down into as few appropriate vehicles as possible. While we will drive to several spots around the ranch, we will also be hiking a bit. Hiking will generally be on level ground (e.g., ranch roads), but may be through some overgrown and weedy areas.
Learn more about Spicewood Ranch here.
Please direct any questions about this trip to
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