Birding with a Camera

7:30 AM – 10:00 AM

Join Dave Read and Suzie MaCann— two experienced bird photographers and excellent birders— in a leisurely morning birding walk at Roy Guerrero Metropolitan Park. Bring your camera and pick up some tips and pointers about bird photography, and using your camera to improve your birding! If you are just starting with photography and don’t feel like you know even the basics— or are interested but don’t know where to start— this walk is for you. We will cover most of the walkable areas along the cliff, the forests, and down to the Colorado River, covering ~1.5 miles. Expect to see a wide variety of year-round birds as well as migratory birds and waterfowl and shorebirds. Be sure to wear sturdy hiking/walking shoes for the rough terrain, and bring water. The site has basic restroom facilities.

Contact Dave Read with questions:

This event is free, but registration is required. Limited to 20 participants.


The email used to register for this walk will be used to communicate any changes or cancellations due to weather or other factors. Please ALWAYS check your email inbox on the morning of the walk, prior to leaving your home, in case of last-minute changes in the trip plan. Please also check to be sure our emails do not land in your spam folder. When in doubt, please call or email your trip leader. We encourage participants to put the leader’s email address in their safe sender list. Their contact information is included in this trip description.