Class: Introduction to Woodpeckers (FULL)

Class level: Introductory/Beginner
Lecture dates: March 7 and 14, 7pm – 8:30pm
Field Trip: March 16, 8am – 11am. Location TBD but probably Commons Ford

Woodpeckers are considered to be a keystone species due to their importance in our environment. Eight of the 23 species of woodpeckers in the USA are regulars to the greater Austin area. By the end of this class, you will understand the basics of woodpecker biology and be able to identify the 8 woodpeckers most commonly found in Austin and the surrounding area.

This class is for beginning birders who are interested in Woodpeckers and would like to get better at finding and identifying them. The class will include two online classroom sessions and one field trip to a local Austin birding hotspot to find and identify these ingenious birds. The Field trip will involve walking on mostly level ground for about a mile or so. Attendance at all the classroom sessions and the field trip is highly recommended in order to get the most out of the class.

The classroom sessions will be held on Wednesday evenings from 7:00 to 8:30pm utilizing the online meeting platform Zoom. Dates are Wednesday March 7 and Wednesday March 14 with the field trip on Saturday March 16.

We recommend you come to the field trip with binoculars, a hat, sturdy closed-toe shoes, sunscreen and water. There are a limited number of binoculars available for loan to students who don’t already have some.

This class is limited to 20 participants. Tuition is $30 for TAS members and $40 for non-members.

About the Instructors:

Rich Kostecke is a conservation biologist and ornithologist who has worked across the state for nearly 25 years, helping to protect land, manage native habitats, and conserve species of greatest conservation need. He currently sits on the board of Travis Audubon Society. Rich is also an eBird reviewer, birding guide, field trip leader, and all-around naturalist who enjoys sharing his enthusiasm about birds and nature with others.

Dave Read has been a wildlife photographer for over 25 years, both underwater and above ground. He is an avid birder and is excited to work with new birders to start them on the road toward enjoying and identifying the birds they see.


Payment for a class, workshop, or other fee-based event is due at the time of registration. If payment is not received within a week of registration, the registrant may be dropped from the roster. To withdraw from a class, workshop, or other fee-based event, please contact the Travis Audubon office: 512-300-BIRD (2473) or
If a registrant withdraws from a class, workshop, or other fee-based event at least seven (7) days before the first session, Travis Audubon will offer a full refund less a $5.00 administrative fee that helps defray our costs. If the registrant withdraws less than seven (7) days before the first session, no refund will be made. If Travis Audubon cancels the class, workshop, or other fee-based event, we will fully refund the tuition.