3:00PM – 4:00PM
Many native bees have selective habitat requirements that have been substantially impacted by urbanization and reductions in the ecosystems and plant communities that support them. Learn more about our native bees here in Central Austin, and what you can to help them.
This workshop will be taught by Chris Garza. Chris is a Certified Ecologist, ISA Certified Arborist, and Certified Ecosystem Restoration Practitioner in Training.
Jack McKinney from Troop 61 has built a limited number of native bee habitat kits. These kits provide all the necessary materials to build a native bee hotel for carpenter bees and mason bees, two of the most common groups of native bees in Texas. Seeds of native pollinator plants preferred by carpenter and mason bees will also be provided. Along with the kit is an educational pamphlet with general information about the importance of native bee conservation. These kits were prepared by scouts from Troop 61.
We ask that you limit one bee hotel per household.
This event is made possible by the Applied Materials Foundation.