Wingspan Game Night

5:45 PM – 8:00 PM   
Game play starts promptly at 6pm, players arriving after 6pm will be assigned to a table as available.

Travis Audubon is hosting a Wingspan Game Night for anyone who plays, or is interested in learning how to play!

WINGSPAN is a board game that debuted in 2019 that uses bird behavior and characteristics to control the flow of the game. An article in Audubon summed it up best: “Wingspan players take on the role of bird enthusiasts aiming to attract avian visitors to their wildlife preserve. The heart of the game is its deck of 170 illustrated bird cards, each depicting a North American species. Up to five players take turns placing these cards into their appropriate habitat, collecting food, laying eggs, or drawing new cards, with each action unlocking new resources. It’s what’s known in board game parlance as an engine-building game—one in which players try to create an increasingly effective system for generating points. The game lasts about an hour, and the player with the most points wins.”

Learn more about Wingspan and watch a tutorial video here. The many different actions and variables to each round may seem very complex at first, but becomes easier to remember with each round. We will play a demonstration round at first, then break up into groups playing open-handed rounds giving participants a chance to learn and ask questions.

Please feel free (but not required) to bring a snack to share and a beverage of your choice. This event is free but registration is required. If you have a copy of the game, please bring it!

This event will take place at the Travis Audubon headquarters located at the Baker School: 3908 Avenue B. If you have any questions, email


The email used to register for this walk will be used to communicate any changes or cancellations due to weather or other factors. Please ALWAYS check your email inbox on the morning of the walk, prior to leaving your home, in case of last-minute changes in the trip plan. Please also check to be sure our emails do not land in your spam folder. When in doubt, please call or email your trip leader. We encourage participants to put the leader’s email address in their safe sender list. Their contact information is included in this trip description.