Ask-a-Birder: What is a HOTE?
Have you ever been unsure of some of the notations included when documenting your sightings in eBird? We recently received the following question which may interest Austin-area birders, particularly…
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Ask-a-Birder: Low Bird Numbers?
Northern Mockingbird, courtesy of Mary Nell Dexter. Has it seemed like you are seeing fewer of your favorite birds this year? We received a question from Wild Birds…
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Ask-a-Birder: Bird Feeders and Avian Flu
Update February 23, 2023: There has been an uptick in reported cases of Avian Influenza in Texas, however still none reported in Travis…
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Ask-a-Birder: Hawk ID
Travis Audubon receives many bird questions throughout the year, and occasionally they have some pretty interesting supplementary photos. We received the following questions (and photo) from Crystal: We saw this…
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Ask-a-Birder: “Friendly” Phoebes
It seems something has gotten into the Phoebes this November. While phoebes are known to be quite tame around humans, Travis Audubon has received multiple reports of especially bold…
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Ask-a-Birder: Look up for migrating hawks!
Hawks are on the move and filling the skies above Austin. Ask-a-Birder Expert Dan Smith explains how you might catch a glimpse: This is the time of year when hawks and vultures…
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Ask a Birder: How do birds survive hurricanes?
With this year’s active hurricane season, Ask-a-Birder volunteer Dan Smith answers your questions about how birds fare in these severe weather events: Many birds are sensitive to barometric pressure, and…
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Is it time yet? When to hang your hummingbird feeder
When to put the hummingbird feeder up? This question is well debated. Some suggest that if you are willing to maintain the feeder, leave it up all year. There…
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Bald Eagles at Turkey Bend Park
We recently received a question about a pair of Bald Eagles that have been seen several times near Turkey Bend Park. The member of the public wanted to know…
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Where have the birds gone?
We received questions this fall from numerous people voicing concerns that there are virtually no birds (or even squirrels!) at their feeders. Our November Ask-a-Birder Expert, Noreen Baker, weighs…
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Bird Questions: Where to Find Painted Buntings
We live in Austin. I would like to get my family up early one am and arrive at a place where I could show my girls painted buntings as…
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Bird Question: Stopping Birds from Nesting
Have birds nesting on my porch. What is the humane way to get them to not nest? Thank you, Gerry B. Gerry, Thank you for your question to Travis Audubon about the birds…
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Bird Question: Stopping a Dive-Bombing Cardinal
OCTOBER 7, 2011: For the last 3 years, we seem to have cardinals dive bombing the front windows of our house. I do not know if this is the same…
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