Monthly Bird Forecast: February 2025
What to watch for in February: Spring is in the Air Compiled by Jane Tillman for KXAN Purple Martins, North America’s largest…
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January 2025 Monthly Bird Forecast
Compiled by Jane Tillman for KXAN What to watch for in January: Winter Warblers
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November 2024 Monthly Bird Forecast
What to watch for in November: Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers Compiled by Jane Tillman, Travis Audubon Volunteer Feature Photo: Yellow-bellied Sapsucker male by Jeff Osoborne The Yellow-bellied Sapsucker winters here in central Texas….
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September Bird Forecast
Bird Forecast What to watch for in September: Belted Kingfishers Compiled by Jane Tillman, Travis Audubon Volunteer for KXAN Migration continues during September, with many…
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August Bird Forecast
Compiled by Jane Tillman for KXAN What to watch for in August: A colorful songbird and a graceful kite Summer has flown…
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July Monthly Bird Forecast
Compiled by Jane Tillman for KXAN Feature Photo ofMale Northern Cardinal COURTESY: James Giroux It would be fun if we had…
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June Monthly Bird Forecast
By Jane Tillman for KXAN What to watch for in June: Breeding Birds While you may get to sit back and enjoy…
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Monthly Bird Forecast: May
Compiled by Jane Tillman for KXAN What to watch and listen for in May: Night Birds There’s something mysterious about…
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Monthly Bird Forecast: April
What to watch for in April: Charismatic Flycatchers Compiled by Jane Tillman for KXAN AUSTIN (KXAN) — April is an especially exciting…
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March Bird Forecast
What to watch for in March: Migration – the early day By Jane Tillman for KXAN Many different…
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February Bird Forecast
Male American Kestrel shows off its dark facial stripes. Photo by Jeff Osborne What to watch for in February: Small Falcons and the Great Backyard Bird Count By Jane Tillman for…
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January Bird Forecast
Pine Warbler. Photo by Bill Sanford By Jane Tillman for KXAN What to watch for in January – Hungry Birds How do birds survive our cold winter nights? They…
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December Bird Forecast: What to watch for in December: Ducks
Lots of ducks of fifteen regularly occurring species are arriving to spend the winter here. If you need to walk off a holiday meal this…
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November Bird Forecast: Do owls live in Austin?
Fall migration continues. Check BirdCast to see what birds are forecast to be migrating tonight. Help them along the way by participating in
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October Bird Forecast
What to watch for in October: Crowd-pleasing Woodpeckers Fall migration continues. Check BirdCast to see what birds are forecast to be migrating tonight. Help them along their way…
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