Since its inception, Travis Audubon has partnered with like-minded organizations to educate communities about the need for conservation and habitat protection and preservation.


FISP_perch_BalconesNWR_BurnetCo_02-09-2014_BStoneMD-1585Balcones Canyonlands Conservation Plan

Travis Audubon Society was one of the lead partners in the creation of the Balcones Canyonlands Conservation Plan (BCCP) in 1996. The Balcones Canyonlands Preserve is the result of a community-based effort to protect more than 30 species while allowing development to occur in western Travis County. It was established through a permit issued by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to the City of Austin and Travis County in 1996. The Preserve protects about 30,000 acres of prime habitat in western Travis County. Preserve tracts are owned by public and private partners including the City of Austin, Travis County, the Lower Colorado River Authority, the Nature Conservancy of Texas, and the Travis Audubon Society, as well as private landowners, making it one of the country’s largest urban preserves. Travis Audubon’s Baker Sanctuary comprises 715 acres of the BCP.


Nature Rocks Austin

Find places to play, explore and connect with nature near you. Nature Rocks Texas is our suite of websites that lists all the parks, zoos, nature centers and nature-based activities in a region.


Texas Bluebird Societytbslogo

Texas Bluebird Society is an all-volunteer grassroots organization helping bluebirds and other native cavity-nesting birds through increasing nesting sites while sustaining and increasing their food supply of native berries and insects.


crisp_smHornsby Bend Bird Observatory

The Hornsby Bend Bird Observatory is a program of the Austin Water Utility’s Center for Environmental Research at the Hornsby Bend Biosolids Management Plant. This 1200-acre site is one of the most popular birding sites in Texas. Travis Audubon partners with Hornsby Bend Bird Observatory for monthly field trips and programming.



Texas Ornithological Society

The Texas Ornithological Society (TOS) was founded in 1953 as a nonprofit organization. The purpose of the Society is to promote the discovery and dissemination of knowledge of birds; to encourage specifically the observation, study and conservation of birds in Texas; to encourage the formation of local birding clubs; and to stimulate cooperation among professional ornithologists.