Action Required: Support Bird Conservation

Dear Travis Audubon Members,

We have a unique opportunity to support bird conservation in Austin on November 21, 2024. A resolution is on the agenda of the City of Austin that will support all aspects of Bird-Friendly Building Design.

This resolution was brought forward by the Bird-Friendly Design working group of the Environmental Commission of the City of Austin with support from Council Member Pool’s office and Travis Audubon. I want to personally recognize and thank Maura Powers and the Travis Audubon advocacy committee for contracting bird-friendly design expert, Heidi Trudell, to present to the boards and commissions. It was the catalyst the Environmental Commission needed to form a working group and build a coalition to study the issue and create a path forward.

The working group was formed in June 2024 and consists of architects, developers, conservationist, Audubon Texas and members of other commissions. Thanks to Mashariki Cannon, Travis Audubon graciously hosted each meeting at their offices. Together, the working group reviewed best practices in bird-friendly building designs, lighting, and landscaping to craft the resolution. Additionally, the group looked at what twenty plus cities around the United States were doing to improve new buildings and retrofitting existing buildings.

You can help support this game-changing resolution and action in several ways.

  1. Write a letter of support to City Council by November 15, 2024 or submit one to the Working Group chair at jen242@me.comThe chair will package up the letters and present have them entered into record. (So far we have 22 letters from conservation NGOs, architects and designers, businesses, and individuals.
  2. Show up at the November 21, 2024 City Council Meeting. The agenda item is #73 on that day.
  3. Encourage others to show up or write letters.

Your voice matters! Thank you for your time and care,

Jennifer Bristol
Chair, Bird-Friendly Design Working Group
Secretary, Environmental Commission

Photo credit:  Luke Franke/Audubon