UPDATE (3:00 PM) All eggs have been found. Thank you to everyone who participated!
Did you know that this weekend would be Dr. Frank Blair’s 110th birthday? Let’s celebrate his legacy at Blair Woods with a little scavenger hunt! Today (June 24, 2022) here are THREE golden eggs hidden at Blair Woods, each containing $10 gift cards to Bird Bird Biscuit (one of our favorite east Austin restaurants).
- Please only take one egg. We would love to have three lucky winners!
- Please do not move or remove any structures or plants. The eggs will be visible without having to do any digging.
- When you find the egg, please take the gift card inside but leave the egg on the chair next to the Blair Woods kiosk in the parking lot (pictured above). That way, folks who are coming to look for the eggs know how many are remaining.
- If you find an egg, email volunteer@travisaudubon.org and let us know which egg you found. Once all the eggs have been found, we will let you know here AND send out an alert on our social media.
Egg 1: Did you know that Dr. Blair was a herpetologist at UT Austin? He studied reptiles and amphibians, particularly the Texas Spiny Lizard. The remains of a structure he used to hold lizards still stands at Blair Woods – the first golden egg can be found there.
Egg 2: As a professor, Dr. Blair was responsible for grading hundreds, perhaps thousands, of student papers. He decided to put those papers to good use by creating the “dam of words,” the dam he used to create the manmade pond at Blair Woods. The second egg can be found near the location of that dam (although you can no longer see the papers that initially constructed it).
Egg 3: We truly have to thank Fern Blair for her role in passing Blair Woods on to Travis Audubon, as she was the birder of the family. We continue to cultivate the habitat to benefit birdlife, which sometimes includes manmade structures. The third golden egg is located at a relatively new feature that we created to attract birds to the property.
Can’t find an egg? Don’t fret! If you take a photo at Blair Woods and tag @travisaudubonsociety on Instagram (story or grid picture is fine) TODAY you will be entered into a drawing to win a $10 gift card to Bird Bird Biscuit. Winner will be selected on 6/27.
Go forth and explore the beautiful Blair Woods!