LAGO VISTA, TX – For tourists and residents, the Texas Hill Country has long been one of the most beautiful spots in Texas – a place to wile away the hours on the shores of Lake Travis, catch a few bass in the coves, or travel the farm roads enjoying the wildflowers.
Migrating birds, on the other hand, consider the Hill Country a sort of freeway rest stop – a way station where they can relax, catch a good meal and gather strength for the rest of their journey. Nestled in the hill country is a 25,000-acre Wildlife Refuge that provides critical habitat for an endangered songbird migrant – the Golden-cheeked Warbler. It not only stops to rest… it stays to nest.
The Balcones Songbird Festival is a celebration of nature through a collection of interpretive events to experience both birds and their habitat. The festival takes place April 26 through April 28, 2019. While many of the nature tours and events take place across the hill-country, the main event will be located at the Refuge Headquarters on FM 1431 just west of Lago Vista. It’s hosted by the Friends of Balcones and Balcones Canyonlands National Wildlife Refuge and supported by local and national conservation-minded sponsors who make this event possible.
The refuge offers some of the best bird watching and habitat left in Texas. Balcones Canyonlands National Wildlife Refuge has more than 215 bird species part or all year. Some of the birds at the refuge include the Painted Bunting, Black-crested Titmouse, Vermilion Flycatchers, Bushtits, Black-throated Sparrows, LeConte’s Sparrows and Canyon Towhees. Redtails and Red-shouldered Hawks nest regularly as well as Cooper’s Hawks.
Join us for small group tours led by leading names in the industry. Registration opens February 14, 2019 and spaces will be limited.
Shared from Friends of Balcones NWR.
Photo credit: Melissa Cheatwood