Wells Branch Announces New Conservancy
Text provided by the Wells Branch Wild Conservancy Wells Branch Wild…
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Travis Audubon’s SE Arizona Trip
By Shelia Hargis Featured photo by Shelia Hargis Last month, James Giroux and I co-led a field trip to the Chiricahua Mountains for a group of six Travis Audubon members.
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Historical Marker Reinterpretation at Blair Woods
We are thrilled to announce that the Texas Centennial Historical Marker at Blair Woods has been officially installed as of last week. This significant milestone was achieved with invaluable…
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Bird of the Week: Cedar Waxwing
Cedar Waxwing (Bombycilla cedrorum) Compiled by Lisa S. Graham Photo credit: Peter Hawrylyshyn, Macaulay Library Austin has always been a hotbed of the punk rock scene, and the Cedar Waxwing has the…
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Risks to Raptors from Rodenticides: Protecting Birds of Prey
By Rene Bartos A Bald Eagle on a nest…a Red-tailed Hawk overhead…a Peregrine Falcon diving to the earth…an Osprey rising from the shoreline with a fresh catch…a Barred Owl perched…
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Injured birds convalescing after the wrath of Hurricane Beryl
By Jorjanna Price Photos provided by Austin Wildlife Rescue Since July, wildlife rescue groups have been treating coastal birds injured…
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Bird of the Week: Yellow-throated Warbler
Yellow-throated Warbler Setophaga dominica Content and photos by James Giroux Like all warblers, the Yellow-throated Warbler migrates in the spring and fall. But, you could say that this warbler is “less ambitious”…
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Notes from Chaetura Canyon – July 2024
By Georgean and Paul Kyle Photos by Paul Kyle Even though Hurricane Beryl skirted Central Texas to the east, it provided a return to mild temperatures in mid-July as well providing…
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Bird of the Week: Carolina Chickadee
Compiled by Abby West Photo by Michael O’Brien Chickadees are one of the first birds I could semi-reliably identify from (some of) their calls. I came about this skill by repeatedly…
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New Study Confirms Building Collisions Kill Over One Billion Birds Annually in U.S.
Reposted from August 7, 2024 American Bird Conservancy Research Shows Bird Deaths from Collisions Far Surpass…
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August Bird Forecast
Compiled by Jane Tillman for KXAN What to watch for in August: A colorful songbird and a graceful kite Summer has flown…
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Bird of the Week: Canyon Towhee
Canyon Towhee Melozone fusca Compiled by Lindsey Hernandez Photo by Alan D. Wilson Canyon Towhee, although originally described as a separate species, was later lumped with California Towhee (P. crissalis) as the “Brown…
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Travis Audubon Welcomes Emily Reyner as Admin Specialist
We are thrilled to welcome Emily Reyner as our new Admin Specialist! Starting in the summer of 2023 Emily began working for Travis Audubon as an Environmental Outreach &…
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The Wing Spectacle
Featured photo: Red-shouldered Hawk spreads its wings to dry, after rains Photos and content by Jaya Ramanathan – July 2024 Birds distinguish themselves by their ability to fly. They have inspired…
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Litigation Over Central Texas’ Favorite Songbird Set for Oral Argument
Hearing scheduled on Aug. 14, 9:00am, at the Federal Courthouse in Austin For a bird that weighs less than an ounce and has no conception of the American legal system,…
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