This is the Austin Area Rare Bird Alert and has been updated through 10/19/2017. To report rare or unusual bird sightings in the Austin area, provide recent sighting updates, or inquire about location details on birds listed below, please send an email to If submitting a bird sighting, please include species name, location details, and contact information.
Rarities Found This Week
A female-type HEPATIC TANAGER was an excellent find at Commons Ford Park in West Austin, Travis County, on 10/17. The bird continues through the evening of 10/19 and has most reliably been seen around the old barn and fence line by the covered picnic table.
A BROWN BOOBY was found at Lake Buchanan in Llano County on 10/13. This could represent a first county record. No additional information regarding the specific location on the lake the bird was observed.
WHITE-TAILED KITEs were observed in farmland in both South Williamson and Northeast Travis Counties, both on 10/14.
A WHITE-TAILED HAWK was found in northeast Travis County off of Sandeen Rd near the intersection of Brita Olson on 10/14. The bird was perched on a fence post and remained stationary for over an hour before lifting off. It has not been relocated but could easily still be in the area.
A SAY’S PHOEBE was photographed on Sayersville Rd in Bastrop County on 10/14.
A GREAT KISKADEE was found on Lake Creek Trail in Williamson County on 10/14 and continued through at least 10/17.
Continuing Bird(s) From Previous Week
At least four LEAST GREBEs continue in Williamson County through 10/16 off Parksville Way and Fairweather Way.
A male CALLIOPE HUMMINGBIRD continues at a private residence in New Braunfels, Comal County, most recently observed on 10/14.