This is the Austin Area Rare Bird Alert and has been updated through 3/17/2017. To report rare or unusual bird sightings in the Austin area, provide recent sighting updates, or inquire about location details on birds listed below, please send an email to If submitting a bird sighting, please include species name, location details, and contact information.
Rarities Found This Week
HUTTON’S VIREO was found at Pedernales Falls State Park in Blanco County on 3/13. The bird was near the Duck Pond area and was vocalizing so best bet may be to listen for it.
A SCOTT’S ORIOLE was photographed on private property just east of Buescher State Park, Bastrop County, on 3/5. The bird appears to be a female. Earlier this year, an adult male was photographed not far from this location.
Continuing Bird(s) From Previous Week
A COMMON MERGANSER continues through 3/7 in the NE portion of Pace Bend Park. Look for the signs indicating Mudd Cove/Mesquite Point. The bird has been hanging around Hagwood Cove all the way into Mudd Cove near the campground areas and all the way down to Tournament Point.
Two LEAST GREBEs continue in Williamson County through 3/12 off Parksville Way and Fairweather Way.
BROAD-TAILED HUMMINGBIRDs continue at a private residences in South and SW Austin, Travis, on 3/11 and 3/15 respectively. Another bird continues at a private residence in Williamson County, most recently reported on 3/12.
A male CALLIOPE HUMMINGBIRD continues at a private residence in New Braunfels, Comal County, through 3/5.
A BLACK PHOEBE continues at Palmetto State Park, Gonzales County, on 3/6. The bird was reported from the bridge over Oxbow Lake, just south of park headquarters. Previous reports have also come from the Oxbow Lake area.
At least one GREAT KISKADEE continues at a private residence off Dickerson Rd in Caldwell County on 3/5. At least one bird continues at Berry Springs Park in Georgetown, Williamson County, on 3/3.
A LONG-BILLED THRASHER continues at Pedernales Falls State Park, Blanco County, on 3/11. The bird was observed and heard vocalizing through thick brush bordering Duck Pond. The location was at the far end of the pond on the main dirt path leading to the boundary fence.
Two PYRRHULOXIAs continue at Reimer’s Ranch Park in SW Travis County on 3/8. The birds were reported in the BW corner of the park off of the Turkey Trail Loop.
A BLACK-HEADED GROSBEAK continues at Warbler Woods in Guadalupe County through 3/13. The bird was photographed at one of the feeders near the house.
As many as 23 RUSTY BLACKBIRDs have been reported around Pond 3 at Hornsby Bend, Travis County, most recently on 3/15.