Rare Bird Alert: March 31, 2017

This is the Austin Area Rare Bird Alert and has been updated through 3/31/2017. To report rare or unusual bird sightings in the Austin area, provide recent sighting updates, or inquire about location details on birds listed below, please send an email to armanmorenobirds@gmail.com. If submitting a bird sighting, please include species name, location details, and contact information.

Rarities Found This Week

  • A WHITE-TAILED KITE was photographed at Commons Ford Park in SW Austin, Travis County, on 3/29. The bird was perched in the middle of the prairie but has not been reported since the initial sighting.
  • At least two COMMON PAURAQUEs were recorded calling at Colovista along the Colorado River in Bastrop County on 3/25. The birds were observed around 8pm.
  • A HUTTON’S VIREO was found at Barton Creek Wilderness Park in SW Austin, Travis County, on 3/23 and continues through 3/27.

Continuing Bird(s) From Previous Week

  • Two LEAST GREBEs continue in Williamson County through 3/31 off Parksville Way and Fairweather Way.
  • BROAD-TAILED HUMMINGBIRDs continue at a private residences in South Austin, Travis, on 3/27. Another bird continues at a private residence in Williamson County, most recently reported on 3/29.
  • At least one GREAT KISKADEE continues at a private residence off Dickerson Rd in Caldwell County on 3/24. At least one bird continues at Berry Springs Park in Georgetown, Williamson County, on 3/3.
Reports for the Austin area RBA cover a 60-mile radius, centered on the Capitol in downtown Austin. Bird sightings mentioned here have been filtered and scrutinized by the compiler and are believed to be genuine. Photo or audio documentation for species with challenging IDs will be mentioned if they are known to exist.