Rare Bird Alert: June 2, 2011

(The Austin Area Rare Bird Alert is a service of the Travis Audubon Society. This update is as of 3:15, June 2, 2011.)

This is my first edition as the new compiler for Travis Audubon’s Rare Bird Alert. There is much gained in having a repository for local sightings and so I’m glad to keep the Travis RBA going. While most of the exceptional finds make their way to the general birding public, the RBA additionally provides a place for interesting regional records, extralimital breeding records, birds present out-of-season, range expansion/contraction, and the very useful continued presence of rare birds in the area.

The Austin RBA has had a nice history, and I have much gratitude for Eric Carpenter’s enthusiasm and high measure standard which he exhibited weekly in his tenure as compiler. I will continue with much the same format. I look forward to hearing about finds in the Austin area. With that said, here is my first report as Travis Audubon’s RBA compiler…

Rarities Found This Week

Purple Gallinule was observed at Mueller Austin- the former Mueller Airport sight- in the pond nearest the Browning Hanger on 5/29.

A Brown-crested Flycatcher was reported at Warbler Woods. Stated first on 5/26 and reported again on 5/29.

One female Northern Pintail was present at Hornsby Bend on 5/29.

A laggard Swainson’s Thrush was in Utley on 6/2.

Continuing Birds from Previous Weeks

A vocal Brown-crested Flycatcher is reliably being seen at Richard Moya Park in Austin. Recordings have been made when the bird was first seen on 5/21. It has continued to be seen/heard by many observers through 5/29.

White Ibis began early post-breeding dispersal. 2 were seen at Hornsby Bend 5/14. Numbers have increased to 7 on 6/1.

A male and female Cinnamon Teal were observed copulating at Hornsby Bend on 5/19. They remain present as of 6/1.

Couch’s Kingbird continues to be reported, one was seen at Hornsby Bend on 6/2.

Reports for the Austin area RBA cover a 60-mile radius centered from the Capitol in Austin. This circle extends north to Belton Lake (Bell County), south to Leesville (Gonzales County), east to Somerville WMA (Lee/Burleson County), and west to Blumenthal (Gillespie County).

Bird sightings mentioned here have been filtered & scrutinized by the compiler and are believed to be genuine. When documentation or photographs were provided, that is mentioned along with the other information about the bird(s) being seen.

The most recent update can always be found at: Travis Audubon’s Rare Bird Alert Page

For questions or updates about birds mentioned here or to report rare or unusual bird sightings in the Austin area, please send an e-mail to nollanderson@sbcglobal.net.

-Kenny Anderson, Rare Bird Alert Compiler, Travis Audubon Society