
Find out how you can make a lasting difference.

Did you know that you can help support Travis Audubon without giving any money today? Regardless of your age or income, you can benefit from financial and estate planning. Philanthropy can be an important tool in your planning strategy. In addition to enhancing your own financial plans and taking advantage of laws that help preserve estate assets, a gift through your estate can help ensure that Travis Audubon will always be able to serve as a voice for conservation in Central Texas.

A bequest in your will is the most direct and significant way to make a planned gift to Travis Audubon. Another option is to bequeath a percentage of your estate to Travis Audubon, or to give the residual to Travis Audubon after other bequests have been fulfilled.

This webpage is for general informational purposes only, and is not intended as legal or financial advice. If you are interested in including Travis Audubon as a beneficiary in your will, please consult with your attorney. You and your attorney may find the following language helpful:

“I bequeath to Travis Audubon Society, a not-for-profit organization, with its offices in Austin, Texas, the sum of $______ (or ______% of my residuary estate) for Travis Audubon Society’s ongoing environmental conservation and education programs.”

If your plans already include a gift for Travis Audubon, please let us know. We will honor all requests for anonymity, and you can always modify your gift, should circumstances change.


Why should I include Travis Audubon in my will?
By including Travis Audubon in your will, you will ensure that we remain at the forefront of conservation and environmental education in Central Texas. Your gift will help us continue to provide all the programs and services you value in perpetuity.

Can I specify how my donation will be used?
Yes, any gift made through the legacy program can be earmarked for particular projects at the donor’s request.

How can I find out more about this program and other giving opportunities?
Contact the Travis Audubon office by calling 512-300-2473 or sending us an e-mail.


Thank you for providing for the future of Travis Audubon!