Bird of the Week: Carolina Chickadee
Compiled by Abby West Photo by Michael O’Brien Chickadees are one of the first birds I could semi-reliably identify from (some of) their calls. I came about this skill by repeatedly…
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Bird of the Week: Canyon Towhee
Canyon Towhee Melozone fusca Compiled by Lindsey Hernandez Photo by Alan D. Wilson Canyon Towhee, although originally described as a separate species, was later lumped with California Towhee (P. crissalis) as the “Brown…
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Bird of the Week: Swainson’s Thrush
Swainson’s thrush Catharus ustulatus Content and photos by Eliana Patt On a wet May morning, a flutelike song bubbles up from the underbrush. The bird it belongs to hops into the light,…
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Bird of the Week: Canyon Wren
Canyon Wren Catherpes mexicanus Content and photos by James Giroux There are few sounds that can warm a birder’s heart like the call of a Canyon Wren. Perfectly crafted for its habitat,…
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Bird of the Week: Blue Jay
By Abby West Photo by Jim Ridley Blue jays are unmistakable with their highly saturated plumage and loud, harsh calls. They are ubiquitous throughout Central Texas and the Eastern United…
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Bird of the Week: Black Tern
Black Tern Chlidonias niger Written and compiled by Lindsey Hernandez Painting by John James Audubon, from The Birds of America Photo by Andrej Chudy The Black Tern is one of the smallest terns, 9.1–14.2…
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Bird of the Week: Acorn Woodpecker
Acorn Woodpecker Melanerpes formicivorus By Rajiv Jauhari Featured Photo by Jim Akers/Audubon Photography Awards, downloaded from audubon.netx.net If you happen to be hiking in a region of California that has oak trees, see…
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Bird of the Week: Broad-winged Hawk
Featured Image: A painting of Broad-winged Hawks, Buteo platypterus, by John James Audubon. By Eliana Patt Given our position in the midst of the North American Central Flyway, it should come…
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Bird of the Week: Lesser Goldfinch
Lesser Goldfinch Spinus psaltria Content and photos by James Giroux Becoming a birder opens your eyes to a new world of color and bird species that were always right under your nose….
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Bird of the Week: Ruby-throated Hummingbird
By Abby West Feature photo by Tibor Nagy Flashes of red and green whiz by our back patio and my kids run out shrieking, “the hummers are back!” The arrival of…
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Bird of the Week: Wilson’s Phalarope
Wilson’s Phalarope Phalaropus tricolor Compiled and written by Lindsey Hernandez Photo by Tony Williams A slender, energetic shorebird, Wilson’s Phalarope can be seen through most of Texas during their spring and summer migration…
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Bird of the Week: Swallow-tailed Kite
Swallow-tailed Kite Elanoides forficatus By Rajiv Jauhari Featured Photo by Donald Wuori/Audubon Photography Awards, downloaded from audubon.netx.net While many raptor species are hard to identify in flight, the Swallow-tailed Kite is not among…
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Bird of the Week: Northern Bobwhite
Northern Bobwhite Colinus virginianus Content and Photos by Eliana Patt There are a number of birds that a Texas birder might call iconic, but in my opinion, the Northern Bobwhite numbers among…
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Bird of the Week: Dickcissel
Dickcissel Spiza americana Content and Photos by James Giroux Dickcissel, Bobolink, Phoebe, Chickadee, Bobwhite. What do all these birds have in common? They are named for the songs they sing. Listen for…
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Bird of the Week: Crested Caracara
By Abby West Lead Photo by Suzie McCann Crested caracaras are noticeable– photos of them intermittently pop up in my neighborhood group typically captioned something like, “what is this weird…
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