Bird of the Week: Dickcissel
Dickcissel Spiza americana Content and Photos by James Giroux Dickcissel, Bobolink, Phoebe, Chickadee, Bobwhite. What do all these birds have in common? They are named for the songs they sing. Listen for…
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Bird of the Week: Crested Caracara
By Abby West Lead Photo by Suzie McCann Crested caracaras are noticeable– photos of them intermittently pop up in my neighborhood group typically captioned something like, “what is this weird…
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Bird of the Week: Sandhill Crane
Sandhill Crane Antigone Canadensis By Rajiv Jauhari Featured photo by Pamella Hopper Ten of the fifteen species of cranes in the world are classified as threatened, but thankfully, the Sandhill Crane is not….
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Bird of the Week: Blackburnian Warbler
By Eliana Patt Photos by Anastasia Kuzmina For those of us in Central Texas, the herald of spring is a one-two-three-ZEET-four and a flash of yellow, black, and white. As popular…
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Bird of the Week: Black-capped Vireo
Black-capped Vireo Vireo atricapilla By James Giroux Along with the Golden-cheeked Warbler, the Black-capped Vireo is a “destination bird”, and many birders from around the nation travel to Texas to see it….
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Bird of the Week: Monk Parakeet
By Abby West Monk parakeets are an Austin favorite, giving an ordinary stroll around Townlake an exotic feel with their bright green feathers, hooked orange beaks and tropical-sounding call. They…
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Bird of the Week: Long-billed Dowitcher
Long-billed Dowitcher Limnodromus scolopaceus by Lindsey Hernandez It’s the time of year for dowitchers in Central Texas. The Long-billed Dowitcher is a gregarious and distinct shorebird that can be found along the…
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Bird of the Week: Whooping Crane
Whooping Crane Grus americana At nearly five feet tall, Whooping Cranes are the tallest birds that can be seen in the wild in North America. Adults of this imposing species have…
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Bird of the Week: Golden-Fronted Woodpecker
By Eliana Patt If you were out south of town in the early morning, and you were to listen closely, you might just be able to hear it. The sound…
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Bird of the Week: Northern Cardinal
By Abby West Northern cardinals are a gateway bird, introducing many of us to the nerdy and fascinating world that is bird watching. That bright red flash has caught many…
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Bird of the Week: Golden-Crowned Kinglet
Golden-Crowned Kinglet Regulus satrapa By James Giroux Most Texas birders are familiar with our winter resident, the Ruby-crowned Kinglet. But, there is another Kinglet that winters in Texas that is less-often seen:…
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Bird of the Week: Black-crowned Night Heron
By Lindsey Hernandez Black-crowned Night Heron Nycticorax nycticorax Among the many egrets and herons spotted around Lady Bird Lake (or any body of water) this time of year, the squatty Black-crowned Night…
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Bird of the Week – Bufflehead
A males and two female Buffleheads. Photo by Mick Thompson, downloaded from audubon.netx.net Bufflehead Bucephala albeola By Rajiv Jauhari Among the duck species that spend winters in Central Texas, one of my favorites…
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Bird of the Week – Least Grebe
By Eliana Patt Least Grebe Tachybaptus dominicus A flash of movement, and the little bird is bobbing at the surface again. Unlike the last few times it has done this, the bird does…
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Bird of the Week: American Woodcock
Photo by James Giroux – Austin, TX – August, 2019 Bird of the Week: American Woodcock By James Giroux One of the strangest…
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