Bird of the Week: Least Sandpiper
Compiled by Lindsey Hernandez Featured Photo Credit: Least Sandpiper Great Meadows NWR, Concord, MA Credit: Steve Arena/USFWS The Least Sandpiper (Calidris minutilla) is a small shorebird and the smallest member of…
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Bird of the Week: House Finch
Compiled by Lisa S. Graham Photo credit: Martina Nordstrand, Macaulay Library House Finch (Haemorhous mexicanus) House Finches originate from the western US and Mexico. In 1940, pet stores in New York released…
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Bird of the Week: White Crowned Sparrow
White-crowned Sparrow Zonotrichia leucophrys Content and photos by James Giroux – except where indicated The word “dashing” is typically not used to describe members of the sparrow family. But, the word is…
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Bird of the Week: Grasshopper Sparrow
Grasshopper Sparrow Ammodramus savannarum Content and photos by James Giroux Most sparrows head north from Central Texas before early spring, but there are a few species that breed here in the Austin…
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Bird of the Week: Woodhouse’s Scrub Jay
By Abby West Featured Photo by Chris Wood Woodhouse’s scrub-jays are an odd bunch, described as the Blue jay of dry lowlands from Nevada south to Mexico. They’re most often seen…
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Bird of the Week: Hooded Merganser
Hooded Merganser Lophodytes cucullatus Content by Lindsey Hernandez Feature photo from Libby Butner, Courtesy of Macaulay Library As the holiday season approaches, Hooded Mergansers (Lophodytes cucullatus) will begin appearing around ponds, lakes, and…
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Bird of the Week: White-winged Dove
White-winged Dove Zenaida asiatica Compiled by Lisa S. Graham Photo credit: Jeff Timmons, Macaulay Library White-winged doves became a household word in 1981 for fans of Stevie Nicks and her hit song “Edge…
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Bird of the Week: Wood Duck
Wood Duck Aix sponsa Content and photos by James Giroux There are few North American birds that can rival the Wood Duck for flashiness and color. Just count the colors: red, yellow,…
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Bird of the Week: Common Yellowthroat
Common Yellowthroat Geothlypis trichas Compiled by Lindsey Hernandez. The Common Yellowthroat (Geothlypis trichas) is a delightful warbler that captivates birdwatchers and nature enthusiasts alike with its vibrant colors and spirited behavior. Easily…
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Bird of the Week: Cooper’s Hawk
Cooper’s Hawk Accipiter cooperii Compiled by Lisa S. Graham Have all the birds mysteriously abandoned your backyard feeder? It may mean there’s Cooper’s Hawk in the vicinity. These skilled fliers see backyard…
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Bird of the Week: Nashville Warbler
Nashville Warbler Leiothlypis ruficapilla Content and photos by James Giroux When we think of migrant Warblers in Central Texas we generally think of the months April, May and September. But in the…
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Bird of the Week: Rock Pigeon
By Abby West Photo by Matias Basualdo One of the first birds to be domesticated, pigeons and humans go way back, like 5,000 years back. As such, it’s next to impossible…
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Bird of the Week: Barn Swallow
Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica Compiled by Lindsey Hernandez Photo by Mike Kit The Barn Swallow is the most abundant and widely distributed swallow species in the world. It breeds throughout the Northern Hemisphere…
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Bird of the Week: Cedar Waxwing
Cedar Waxwing (Bombycilla cedrorum) Compiled by Lisa S. Graham Photo credit: Peter Hawrylyshyn, Macaulay Library Austin has always been a hotbed of the punk rock scene, and the Cedar Waxwing has the…
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Bird of the Week: Yellow-throated Warbler
Yellow-throated Warbler Setophaga dominica Content and photos by James Giroux Like all warblers, the Yellow-throated Warbler migrates in the spring and fall. But, you could say that this warbler is “less ambitious”…
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