Big Webberville to Howard Lane, Bastrop, Texas, US
May 7, 2016 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Protocol: Traveling
8.0 mile(s)
Comments: EPISODE 120: How Much Wood Could a Wood Duck Duck
Apparantly they are very good at ducking in to wood.. We came across a female wood duck with
a brood of little ones. I wanted a photo. she and her little ones ducked into a brush pile
never to be seen again.
Other birds were not so lucky and we got some good sightings of them. A few good migrants
were found – Broad-winged Hawk, Nashville Warb ler and Yellow-breasted Chat. More of our
summer residents have shown up – Prothonotary Warblers, Eastern Kingbirds, Great-creasted
Flycatcher, Summer Tanager and Northern Parula just to name a few. I also want to mention a
few birds that are always a treat for us being Barred Owl and Pileated Woodpecker.
As the temperatures continue to warm up we are seeing more butterflies amnd dragonflies. I
think I got 10 species of butterflies and just as many dragonflies. Also squirrels were
being playful and I saw two deer. Of course there were ample turtles and a few snakes.
On this tenth anniversary float we thank Sharon Richardson, Wendy Harte, Wilda Capbell, Jeff
Richardson, Bobby Hughes, CR Smith, John Barr, and Stuart Bailey
Don’t forget to like the Austin Bastrop River Corridor Partnership Facebook page. Here you will find more information about the river and water issues in central Texas. Learn more about the Austin-Bastrop River Corridor Partnership at the CER website.
47 species (+3 other taxa)
Wood Duck 18
Blue-winged Teal 2
Great Blue Heron 2
Great Egret 1
Cattle Egret 12
Yellow-crowned Night-Heron 1
Black Vulture 21
Turkey Vulture 33
Sharp-shinned/Cooper’s Hawk 1
Red-shouldered Hawk 3
Broad-winged Hawk 1
Red-tailed Hawk 1
Killdeer 4
Spotted Sandpiper 7
Least Sandpiper 8
Mourning Dove 3
Yellow-billed Cuckoo 4
Barred Owl 3
hummingbird sp. 1
Red-bellied Woodpecker 5
Downy Woodpecker 4
Pileated Woodpecker 7
Crested Caracara 5
Eastern Phoebe 4
Great Crested Flycatcher 5
Western Kingbird 2
Eastern Kingbird 14
Scissor-tailed Flycatcher 5
White-eyed Vireo 11
Red-eyed Vireo 4
American Crow 3
Barn Swallow 4
Cliff Swallow 5
Carolina Chickadee 32
Tufted x Black-crested Titmouse (hybrid) 9
Carolina Wren 18
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher 5
Eastern Bluebird 4
Swainson’s Thrush 1
Northern Mockingbird 7
Cedar Waxwing 5
Prothonotary Warbler 4
Nashville Warbler 2
Northern Parula 7
Yellow-breasted Chat 1
Lincoln’s Sparrow 4
Summer Tanager 2
Northern Cardinal 42
Painted Bunting 21
Dickcissel 11