Bird of the Week: Golden-Crowned Kinglet

Golden-Crowned Kinglet
Regulus satrapa

 By James Giroux

Most Texas birders are familiar with our winter resident, the Ruby-crowned Kinglet. But, there is another Kinglet that winters in Texas that is less-often seen: The Golden-crowned Kinglet. The two birds are very similar in coloring, except in the head area.The Golden-crowned sports a black and gold “helmet” while the Ruby-crowned has a plain green head with a baby-faced look.

Golden-Crowned Kinglet (left) Ruby-crowned Kinglet (right). Photo by James Giroux

The males of both species flash their orange/red crowns when agitated.

Golden-crowned Kinglet (left) Ruby-crowned Kinglet (right). Photo by James Giroux

Both birds are very small, but the Golden-crowned is the smaller of the two – only 3.9 inches in length compared to 4.1 inches. Both birds also have black legs and yellow feet – just like the Snowy Egret! Worldwide there are six Kinglet species scattered across the globe: 2 in North America, 1 in Eurasia, 1 in Europe to North Africa, 1 endemic to the Canary Islands and 1 endemic to Taiwan.

Despite its small size the Golden-crowned is a tough bird when it comes to the cold. It routinely endures nighttime winter temperatures of -40°F in the high country. The range map shows that it prefers cooler weather, spending summers in Canada, and the mountain areas in the east and west.

In the spring, the bird usually raises two broods of young in batches of 8 to 9. How do nine eggs fit in this tiny little bird!? Tiny little eggs I’m guessing.

In Texas, look for this bird in wooded edges. It often associates with Chickadees, Titmice, Brown Creepers, and its cousin the Ruby-crowned Kinglet. In the Austin area, you will have to sift through about 10 Ruby-crowned Kinglets to find one Golden-crowned. But the search is worth it.

Average Daily Totals for Travis County from eBird

Photo by James Giroux

Featured photo by James Giroux

National Geographic: Complete Birds of North America