RARE BIRD ALERT: Elegant Trogon, Long-tailed Duck, and More

At Travis Audubon, we love staying updated on unusual bird sightings in central Texas. Here is a list of recent rare birds, courtesy of Arman Moreno:

An ELEGANT TROGON (pictured above) is a remarkable find near Landa Park in New Braunfels, Comal County. The bird was initially found on Saturday, January 27, but wasn’t identified/reported until a week later on February 3. It was relocated along the Panther Canyon Nature Trail on Sunday afternoon and continues through today, February 7. This is a Texas Review Species and only about the 7th state record. See the area it has most recently been observed here. Photo credit: Arman Moreno.
A LONG-TAILED DUCK was found on a private pond off Country Road 473 in Thrall, Williamson County, on January 28 and continued through February 5. The closest intersection appears to be Country Road 112.
Two WHITE-TAILED HAWKs have been reported from multiple locations around San Marcos, Hays County, from January 31 through February 2, including around the San Marcos National Fish Hatchery (McCarty Lane just west of I-35) and Hwy 123 and Old Bastrop Rd. The birds likely move around this area so driving some of the back roads in the vicinity might be productive.
A female ANNA’S HUMMINGBIRD was photographed from a private residence in South Austin, Travis County, on January 31, and continued through February 1, but hasn’t been seen since.
A GREAT KISKADEE was found in a neighborhood lake off Posey Rd and Old Bastrop Rd in San Marcos, Hays County, on February 6. This is just east of I-35 behind the outlet malls.
A RUSTY BLACKBIRD was also found at Landa Park in New Braunfels, Comal County, near the gazebo area on February 5, and continues through February 7.
Up to 10 RED CROSSBILLs have been reported along the Guadalupe River at James Kiehl River Bend Park, Kendall County, east of Comfort, TX. The birds were most recently reported on February 3.


Continuing birds from previous weeks:

A GOLDEN-CROWNED SPARROW, originally found on December 12, 2017, continues its long stay at Warbler Woods, Guadalupe County, through February 7. This is private property and requires an access code. Visit the website (warblerwoods.org) for more info regarding latest sightings and to request access. This is a Texas Review Species.
Three SURF SCOTERs and a WHITE-WINGED SCOTER were found at Belton Lake in Bell County on January 24, and continue through February 4. The birds have been observed from several different viewing areas around the lake, including Temple Lake Park.
Seven COMMON MERGANSERs continue from late December at Muleshoe Bend Recreation Area in extreme western Travis County, most recently on February 4.
At least one HARRIS’S HAWK continues at Barkley Meadows Park in Southeast Austin, Travis County, on February 3. Up to two were found during the Austin CBC on December 16, 2017. The birds have moved around a bit but were most frequently observed off of Blocker Rd, just east of the SH 130 tollway.
A male ALLEN’S HUMMINGBIRD continues at a private residence in west Austin, Travis County, most recently on February 2. The bird is in the process of molting into adult plumage, but photographs of the spread tail confirm the ID.
A female CALLIOPE HUMMINGBIRD continues at a private residence in southwest Austin, Travis County, most recently on February 4. The bird was initially found on January 2, 2018.
A male BLACK-THROATED GRAY WARBLER was found at Mayfield Park in West Austin, Travis County, on January 14, and continues through February 4. The bird is most frequently observed where the peacocks are within the walled garden.

To report rare or unusual bird sightings in the Austin area, provide recent sighting updates, or inquire about location details on birds listed below, please send an email to armanmorenobirds@gmail.com. If submitting a bird sighting, please include species name, location details, and contact information.