Travis Audubon Welcomes Emily Reyner as Admin Specialist

We are thrilled to welcome Emily Reyner as our new Admin Specialist! Starting in the summer of 2023 Emily began working for Travis Audubon as an Environmental Outreach & Restoration Intern funded by a City of Austin’s Urban Forest Grant. This internship extended throughout the year and continued until a more permanent position was open. Emily is currently a student at Austin Community College studying Environmental Technology and is looking to be involved with resource maintenance and environmental health. Her interest in conservation is what brought her to Travis Audubon as she wanted to make a positive impact on the world around her.

Some of Emily’s hobbies such as kayaking, board games, and hanging out with her two cats. Travel has become very important to her in recent years and she has made trips to Hawaii, Switzerland, Costa Rica, and the Caribbean, and has an upcoming trip to Japan later this year.

The Admin Specialist position provides support to the office by attending to membership and inventory matters. This role helps maintain the upkeep of the membership database, sends out orders and member gifts, tracks supply inventories, and provides help with events and tasks that need an extra hand.